After a very successful First Friday, celebrating Dunbar
High School, this month’s blog takes a look at another school established for
African-Americans in Lynchburg in the early 20th Century.
Roster of graduates from the Jackson Street School, 1905-1925 |
In 1991, the Lynchburg Museum received a donation from
Lynchburg City Schools consisting of turn of the twentieth century documents
and photographs. Chosen from that collection, is a ledger book entitled Graduates Colored High School, Lynchburg
1905-1925. Listed, in perfect script, are the names of students in each
year’s graduating class, class mottoes, and later job occupations, marriages,
and/or deaths. The Museum does not know who kept the ledger book but it was for
the graduates of the Jackson Street School, then named Lynchburg Colored High School. According to the records, from 1905-1925 there were 339
graduates of the Jackson Street school. The graduates spread out along the east
coast; Philadelphia, New York, and North Carolina, and attended colleges such
as Howard University and Virginia Seminary. Many became teachers or were
married. Other examples listed beside the names are: railroad clerk, knitting
or hosiery mill worker, piano or music teacher, physician, seamstress,
stenographer, or employed by the government in Washington D.C.
The graduating class of 1925 and post-graduation information including employment and life events |
According to
and its People by William Asbury Christian, the first free public schools in
Lynchburg opened their doors on April 5, 1871.
Some residents did not want to pay taxes for public schools but “this was the
beginning of one of the best systems of public schools in the state.”
The Jackson Street School originally operated inside Jackson Street Methodist
Church at 901 Jackson St. In 1911, the Yoder School was built on Jackson
between First and Second Streets, giving black children an actual school
building. This school served the Tinbridge Hill community. Though the black
schools in Lynchburg mostly received used textbooks and “a lot of the finances
were lacking...the black teachers were more caring about the black [kids],”
said Marvin Stevens in
Tinbridge Hill.
Jackson Street School |
In 1923, Dunbar High School opened for black high school
students which made the Yoder School an elementary school. After years of neglect and a declining neighborhood
population, the Yoder School was demolished in 1970.
As the Lynchburg schools were desegregated, Dunbar High closed in 1970 and those
students began attending E. C. Glass High School.
It reopened as the Dunbar Middle school we
know today.
Commencement Program, Class of 1910 |
The 1910 Graduates |
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